I am an oil painter living in S.E. Pennsylvania. Thanks for stopping by!

Friday, January 6, 2023

Day 6 - Bun Bow

 What can I say about this one?  I know the background in this isn't a traditional rainbow, but it is still a bow... and somehow I've now included rainbow-esque designs in 3 of my challenge paintings, and hope to do a few more.. So, as you'd expect, I've been thinking about rainbows, and I'm wondering why they are popping up in my paintings..  Here's a theory...  rainbows comprise all of the wave lengths of the electromagnetic spectrum that make up Light... In the northern hemisphere, we are currently in the dark part of the year, and, I know quite a few people who don't fare too well during the dark months... lack of light is known to affect mood.. I feel for those folks who get sad in the Winter due to lack of light.. And who knows.. I'm probably affected too, to a degree.  So, I'm thinking that rainbows are showing up in my work lately in an effort to bring a little light to the situation... a few more wavelengths.. 

And really, who doesn't love rainbows?  Every time it rains.. and then the sun comes out, even when it is still sprinkling just a bit.. I'm running outside to see if there's a rainbow.. It's a special thing to see one, really kind of magical.. So, maybe this is the start of a new series.. my magical rainbow paintings:)

Can't not mention the bunny in chucks with her ladybug companion.. I couldn't help myself. They're just too cute.. Painting this fluffy little bun, well.. she was just plain fun. 

All together, I hope this one makes you smile big and brings a little light to your day. :) 

BunBow, oil, 10"x10", Click here for purchasing details

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