I am an oil painter living in S.E. Pennsylvania. Thanks for stopping by!

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Day 8 - Missing the Point

 I don't usually share my opinion on current affairs... but, I have always revered books.  In an earlier decade I was a librarian and that experience solidified my stance that books are sacred.  With the current state of affairs in the U.S. where book banning is suddenly in the news and many books are being singled out to be feared, hated, removed or censured,  I felt called to communicate my stance on the banning of books.  

When a book is subject of scrutiny and people are afraid that the message within is too dangerous to be shared, I feel that it is important to take a critical look at why, and then brace to protect that book and the message it contains.

Over the past few days, I have been looking at lists of books that have either been banned or have been highly contentious at one time or another. Having personally read many of the books that are on these lists, I have a few observations.. It seems a book may end up on one of these lists for one or more of the following reasons.

The message of a banned book holds the power of motivating one to look at the world through a different lens. 

The story within empowers the reader through its message.

The story, message or themes inspire self examination. 

the book helps a person to accept and value someone who is different than they are, 

It helps a person understand that their view of the world has been limited and there is much more to life than they ever imagined.  

Sometimes banned books put into words cultural wrongs that people are afraid name.

It might illustrate hateful behavior or circumstances of the past.

And sometimes a banned book brings a voice to people who do not have the power to speak for themselves.

Whatever the reason, the moment a book is under scrutiny and is in danger of being banned is the moment we should look carefully at the message that book holds.  It usually means it is time to read that book. 

Below is the painting that was inspired by my love of books and by the current spate of book banning. All of the books I have pictured have been banned at some point (or many points) in history. Yes, the Bible is one of the most banned books in the world.. And did you know that A Wrinkle in Time was banned in part because the young female character was just a bit too plucky.   Harper Lee's novel, To Kill A Mockingbird, was banned because of the themes of racism it explores as well its message that it is one's behavior, character and actions that they should be judged upon, not their social status or how they look. 

  I think that the people who are pushing to ban books from public and school libraries are truly missing the point of the far reaching good that can come from reading a book with a powerful message or story.  A good book, or classic piece of literature can help to teach us to be critical thinkers about our past, present and future, and can give us the tools to create a better world. 

It is a mockingbird I have painted atop the stack of books.  An arrow has been shot, perhaps aiming for that mockingbird.  But it missed.  While it has pierced the books, they remain intact and the mockingbird lives to sing another day. You know, it IS a sin to kill a mockingbird... 

"Missing the Point", oil on panel, 12"x12", click here for purchasing details. 

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